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Acorn (RISC OS) Sprite  |  1998-08-26  |  58KB  |  501x231  |  4-bit (8 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | sky
OCR: Cachlan iSV PRoduCtS is delighted TO prcsent the PRoFessional T ypogRaphy CXpeRt Font CD Containing OVCR 2000 high quality Fonts hinted with OUR ofren copied bUt nevCR bCtTCREd NDT hinting uo2shis All Fones come with Full chaRACtCR pud kerning paiRs whCRC appROpriatc A Fonrs can be uscd diRectly FROM the CD OR copicd 0o hard disk RCqUiRCd. ompRel hensive utility pROgRAmS aRC pRovided TO PRint and vieu samples make neu wcights FROm 0123456789 @!E$ % O{}[] deliahred present often bCtTEREd system charac WhCRe diRCCtly REqUiREd Comprchensive utilitu vicw wcighes